
Toothaches can be exceptionally painful, and we understand that patients experiencing this type of pain need to be seen and treated quickly. We endeavour to see all of our emergency patients as soon as possible, usually within 1-2 days.

Toothaches are in most cases caused by tooth decay, infection/abscess, a broken tooth/filling, gum disease or wisdom teeth issues, although dental pain can occur for a number of reasons.

We will assess you to determine the cause of your toothache, and then advise you of your options for treating this pain. In some cases, there may only be one viable option (for instance, removal of the tooth); however in other cases, there may be ways to save the relevant tooth including fillings, root canal treatment and periodontal treatment.


Broken, Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Teeth can be fractured, cracked and chipped by accident, by biting down on hard foods, or due to a weakness that has developed over time as a result of decay or wear. Broken, cracked and chipped teeth can result in mild to severe discomfort, depending upon the nature and severity of the fracture.

There are a number of ways to treat fractured teeth, including fillings, crowns and veneers. Where the injury to the tooth has been severe, a root canal treatment may also be necessary.


Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment is performed where the nerve of a tooth becomes infected from decay or trauma. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe, and in turn can impact on your general health.

A root canal treatment involves removing the diseased or infected material from the spaces or canals within the root, thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the space and then sealing the canals so that bacteria can’t re-enter. This allows us to save a tooth that would otherwise need to be removed. Our dentists use the most up to date techniques utilizing digital radiography, Nickel Titanium instruments and ultra-sonic energy to disinfect the tooth allowing it to return to a state of health.

A crown is usually placed on a back tooth to protect it from further infection, or from fracturing.

The cost of root canal treatment varies depending on the difficulty level of the required treatment. Your dentist will assess your tooth and can provide you with an estimate of the price, which varies depending upon the difficulty level of the required treatment, before completing the procedure.

In some instances, it may be preferable to remove the tooth and replace it with an implant, bridge or partial denture.